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Teens: Teen Blog

Information for programs and resources for patrons ages 13-18

Seasons Greetings!

by Unknown User on 2021-12-08T16:48:17-05:00 in teenagers, young adults | 0 Comments


     Heya! My name is Scott. I’m the new Teen Services Library Assistant (LA) here and I’ll be taking over the blogpost (Sorry Kirsten). I figured I’d take the time to introduce myself with a little season’s greetings (pun totally intended) before going into our topic today: the holiday season, and how draining it can be. Anyway, with pre-introductions out of the way, let’s get started.

     Again, I’m Scott Roberts (he/him). I’m 25 years old, born and raised here in Beaufort. I’ve been working at the library for around 6 months now, but only became the Teen LA within the last couple of weeks. I’m an avid gamer (having played on the PC since I was 3) with my current favorite video game being Final Fantasy XIV. I’m passionate about games in general, playing card games (mainly Magic), board games (Catan, Betrayal at house on the hill, etc), and D&D (hopefully I’ll be able to put on a D&D game night at some point, once we’re able to do in person events.). I love things with a good story, so naturally I also enjoy reading as well, with my favorite author currently being Brandon Sanderson (here’s a link to one of his books if you’re interested.

     But enough about me, lets get into my topic: the holidays! Whether it be Christmas or Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or the Winter Solstice, or even Krampus Nacht and more, this time of the year is certainly a magical, festive time. But it can also be quite an exhausting time. Having to help get everything set up, being expected to spend time with family, and hearing the same holiday songs over and over, again and again (and it certainly doesn’t help when the songs are played earlier every year). It can be a drag.

     I get it, I really do. There were plenty of times where I didn’t help decorate the tree, or didn’t want to go hang out with family for gatherings. It’s so easy to get burnt out over holiday season, and with all the expectations, you can get so stressed out over it. So instead of being completely “bah humbug” about the season, just try to find some time to yourself. Take a moment to relax and de-stress, maybe read a book (or two).

     Once you’ve taken a break, hopefully you’ll be able to get back out there and enjoy the holiday season again, or, at the very least, tolerate it. Personally, I’m glad I did end up going to those gatherings (even if they do take literally forever sometimes). It’s an important way of finding time to get together with our increasingly busy lives. And isn’t that what the holidays are all about, anyway? Spending time with loved ones?

     That’s all I have for today folks, thanks for reading! Be sure to check out our catalog if you want to find anything to read, or use Hoopla and the NC digital library for eBooks and audiobooks. If you have any comments, suggestions, or even any other topics you’d like to see me cover, feel free to leave them down below!

‘Til next time,

Scott Roberts Jr., Library Assistant

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