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What is Summon Search?

Summon is a search engine that provides credible, relevance ranked results from the library’s online collections in a single search.

Summon Search searches through a large collection of e-books, scholarly journals, newspaper articles, theses and dissertations, conference proceedings, and numerous academic databases on a wide variety of topics.  It also searches the Carteret County Library Catalog for books, audiobooks, videos, and more.

Consider using Summon Search to start your personal, workplace, or homework research!

Summon Features

A single search

Provides a Google-like search experience, allowing researchers to use one search box to discover credible and reliable library content.

Links to full-text

Incorporates the comprehensive knowledge of your library's holdings so that researchers can access their results including full-text of electronic articles.

Results refinement

Easily navigate and narrow search result sets using multiple methods, such as filtering, faceting and sorting.

Citation formatting

Quickly cut and paste citations in your preferred style.

How to Use Summon Search

Search Tips

By default, all terms in a Summon search are combined with AND: teacher education will return results that contain both terms.

Quotation Marks ("") :
Put quotation marrks around any words you want to search as a phrase: "teacher education"

Use OR to expand your search: "teacher education" OR "teacher training" will return results that contain either term.

Use NOT to exclude terms: animal NOT dog will return results that do not include the term dog.

AND, OR, and NOT must be in ALL CAPITALS in your search.


will match any one character, for example wom?n will find woman and women

will match zero or more characters within a word or at the end of a word.  For example, ch*ter will find chartercharacter, and chapter  | temp* will find temptationtempleand temporary